Common boat insurance claims during winter

Common boat insurance claims during winter

July 2021

Many boaties have the misconception that when their boat is hauled out for storage or not being used, it is a lot more secure and safe out of harm’s way. Our claims figures tell a different story.

Here are Mariner’s Top 8 Claims During Winter

Theft - Thieves are more active during the first few months of winter. They take advantage of shorter daylight hours and the fact that all the equipment gathered over the summer hasn’t been put aside in storage and is still onboard. If you have a ladder or boarding ladder, try to keep it locked up or locked away so it is not as easy to board. You should also remove portable electronics or anything valuable.

Frost damage to engines - Damage caused by freezing is excluded in many boat policies but not ours! If you are in a part of the country that is affected by frosty days, take all necessary steps to winterise your engine, and take solace that if the unfortunate does happen, you have cover for such an event.

Falling trees - In winter, we find that falling trees or branches tend to find their way onto covers, hatches and windscreens. Trim any nearby trees that look potentially dangerous.

Flooding from blocked drains - A boat with an obstructed drain is one of the major causes of sinking or water damage. If a storm is headed your way, make sure that the bilge pump is working, drains are clear, and covers are secured, waterproof, and fit for purpose.

The rusty sailor - With much less boat usage over winter, you’d think claims made due to berthing or handling errors would be much less - not so. It seems we get rusty and make more mistakes over winter. It’s the same with accidents caused by towing or backing boat trailers over winter. So it’s important to take extra care when we’re rusty.

Windscreen or covers - In winter we find windscreens, particularly on trailer boats are damaged due to strong winds, either in transit or in storage.

Canopies, Covers, Furlers - Yup, you guessed it. They are perishable items, and not every insurer does, but we still cover them for unexpected damage.

Vermin Infestation - Another common exclusion by others, but our policy covers Vermin Infestation. Do everyone a favour and keep a trap or rat bait on the scene over winter.